After your request, here is OPERATION HERITAGE !
The French Jazz-Funk was born. It's not a badly imitated American funk. This music succeeded in being a crossroad, a hub of Jazz and popular music. In other words, a music both wholly accessible and skillful and at the same time dancable and cerebral. It couldn't wait any longer to make this music known. Come and enjoy the sound of the groovy French hippies of CORTEX, the powerful Funk of ICE ( "the seven Americans in Paris"), the marvelous melodies (check out the loops!!!) of Daniel Janin and Jean-Claude Pierric, the beat of Harlem Pop Trotters, the disco-funk of Etienne Cap or the jazz-funk of Chute Libre. This is pure roots and funky music from the 70's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Face 1
1. Chute Libre (1978) " Octopus "
2. Last Exit (1979) " Sweet Maryline "
3. J.L Férré et son orchestre (1975) " dig yourself up "
4. J.D Mercier (1979) " Après Noël "
5. D. Janin et J.C Pierric (1977) " Rolly Pooly "
6. Cortex (1975) " Huit Octobre 1971 "
Face 2
1. Ice (1976) (unrealeased) "Time Will Tell"
2. Les News Boys (1976) "Four Forth"
3. Harlem Pop Trotters (1974) "La Moto Verte"
4. D. Janin et son orchestre (1975) "Saramina"
5. E. Cap and his orchestra (1979) "Pass The Pepper"
6. Rhythm machine (1976) "If I Could Live"
8 commentaires:
Hey! I almost forgot to check your blog! But here it is! What a nice gift you give me here ! THANKS A LOT for this rare (unavailable) compilation!
Have a nice day !
BIIIIGGGGG RESPECT, no more to say !!!!!!!
can i make a special post redirecting to your blog for this compilation? that's history, this compilation is so f... rare
im anonymous because i dont want to go thru the trouble of registering but i just want to let you know that i appreciate your hard work of supplying us with great music!! keep up the good work for i will always be hear to thank you!! i thank you for giving us the history of the album and giving all of us dummies(as in me ^__^)some knowledge!! thanks alot and again keep up the good work!
just wanted to let you know that the comment above was also by me :D
now for this album: i love this album! its great! i love the la moto verte track but there all great!!!
thanks a million
any new 320kbps rip on the way?
see ya
thanks man! i've been looking for this one for a long time! i really appreciate what you're doing, just keep up the good work! i've also started my own blog, it's not much but there will be more posts soon... http://djalma-soulfood.blogspot.com/
Brilliant or should I say "Brillantissime" !!
I knew Cortex of course and Chute Libre
I heard of Daniel Janin but first time I hear his music !!
Thanks a bunch !
May funk shall not be forgotten in every part of its components
The only way is to contribute
Oh man, thanks sooo much for that one. Can't find a copy anywhere.
wood up
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